September 10, 2013

Honorable Minister of Health and Social Welfare, Dr. Omar Sey welcomed the group of new students
who joined the university from September 2013. The freshman class attended the orientation with a visit to the hospital and the new construction site of AIU Health Science Center at Kanifing Institutional Area.
September 1, 2013

AIU Kotu Campus was acquired last month to be utilized as a residential halls for international student.
The 80 rooms facility is exclusively for the AIUWA students.
November 30, 2012

Clearing at the newly acquired land for the permanent site of the new campus has begun ahead of schedule. The construction is scheduled to start within next 40 days. Currently estimated to cost $16M, the new campus shall have 11 laboratories, 4800 sq.ft library, 18 classrooms, 2 dry labs and 12 conference rooms. The new campus is scheduled to be completed in 2014/15.
The plans for the main buildings are being finalized.
November 5, 2012
Land acquired for new campus
5+ acre of land in the heart of the city has been acquired for building a new and permanent campus. The land is ideally located just 2 blocks from the Friendship Residence Hall and 3 blocks from Serekunda Hospital.
On October 29, 2012, the ground breaking ceremony was conducted on the newly acquired land. Many faculty staff and students attended the ceremony where prayer to Mother Earth was offered.
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